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What is a Surrogate / Gestational Carrier?
What is a surrogate? How do you define a surrogate? A surrogate or a gestational carrier is a woman who carries a child or children for another person. The surrogate may carry for an individual or a couple that they have met through the help of a third party surrogate agency, an online forum or a personal friend or family member. Many surrogates are compensated for their personal time and sacrifice during the surrogate arrangement, this is referred to as compensated surrogacy. Here at SAI we provide guidance, support and assistance to our surrogates, through a legally compensated surrogate arrangement.There are two types of surrogates; traditional and gestational. A traditional surrogate is biologically related to the child that she carries and a gestational surrogate is not. Due to medical advances, surrogate gestational carrier arrangements are preferred and are more common today. For over a decade, SAI has proudly assisted intended parents, surrogate mothers and egg donors through gestational surrogacy and egg donation arrangements. Find a surrogate online through Surrogate Alternatives, Inc!
- We could not have asked for things to go more smoothly that they did with Surrogate Alternatives… not only their kindness, but for their vast knowledge of the entire process. I thank them every day in my heart for doing what they do, for without them, I would have never known what to do first Read more.
Ginger & Bill, parents to Baby Lorence
- I am currently working with SAI and they have been there for me every single step of the way from questions to procedures they are always there. And if I ever forget to ask a question I shoot over a simple email and within an hour I almost always have a response! They are always Read more.
Nicole L.
- SAI changed our lives for the best! Our twin boys are a miracle in our lives. Game changers! The staff is amazing and the experience has been supportive and full of love. Choosing a California surrogacy agency is as easy as S A I!! Read more.
Donald Collins