Our first time surrogate, Amelia, recently earned her wings and gave birth to two beautiful babies for her Intended Fathers, Paolo and Walter, wrote us a very beautiful letter and with their permission we’d like to share it with you. Congratulations to Amelia, Paolo and Walter!
“I don’t have the exact words to explain how amazing this journey was for me. I was so blessed since the start of the process. I truly couldn’t have wished for a more gorgeous and humble IP’s and I’m happy that Walter and Paolo are a huge part of my family now. We’re so close that we have an amazing long distance friendship and they’ll always be in my prayers every day.
The experience of being a surrogate has changed my life more than you could understand and most certainly for the better. Through the surrogacy process, I realized how strong I am and that life is only one, short, but beautiful experience that when you put your heart into it it only gets better. When I started this journey I didn’t expect to be changed by it but I was. Not only emotional but physically I’ve been changed for the best. It was the most beautiful experience and I don’t regret a single stretch mark, morning sickness or anything else that I went through that most would be afraid of. After all, it was these surro twins that made me a beautiful person, woman, friend and even better mother. This journey has given me strength I never new I had and a sense that I can accomplish anything I put my heart and soul into.
My surro twins were so loved by not only me but by their beautiful parents that they must have realized how much love was expecting them because they didn’t give me any problems and the birth was smooth and easy. They probably spoke to each other in utero and said, “Ok, let’s do this easy and behave because we cannot wait for our Daddy’s to hold us, to love us and to start our life together as a family”. I’m sure they felt how loved they were.
After this experience It’s weird but I now hold my motherhood in a different light. It’s even more precious to me to be a Mother to my beautiful children and my love for them through this journey has grown even more. It’s changed me. I’m more appreciative of my children and of my family. It’s hard watching others long for what I have and what many of us have and it’s easy to take it for granted. But this journey changed me and helped me appreciate my own motherhood.
I wanted to thank the staff at SAI so much, you gorgeous ladies are amazing! Thank you for always being there for me along with giving me your patience , answers and unconditional support. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! I can’t tell you if I’m going to do this process again or not, just because it was so beautiful that I’m afraid to risk doing it and not having the same connection. After all, no surrogate twin pregnancy is identical! But if Paolo and Walter need a brother or sister for Caterina and Achille I’ll do it in an instant and will not hesitate. Thank you SAI and I wish all the best to each of you and your families. Thank you Shelly for having the patience with my English and with all the questions I had during the process. Please tell Holly, that I’m thankful to God for having such a good support system during this journey.
God bless you all ladies, always. Thank you so much with all my heart SAI!”