Grab some tissue! The video of our amazing surrogate Antoinette’s delivery is such a beautiful thing. We want to thank Antoinette and New Parents, Kristie and Ricky for letting us share this incredibly heart-warming surrogate video. This is surrogacy and this is why we do what we do.
Do you have what it takes?
Where’s The Baby?…casual encounters of a surrogate.
Hurry Up and Wait… from matching to contracts to cycling
What many people don’t realize is that there are many steps to take on the surrogacy timeline before you can even start trying to become pregnant. So how long does surrogacy process timeline take, really? How long does it take to become a surrogate mother? A woman who wishes to become a surrogate mother fills
Considering becoming a surrogate mother?
If you are considering about becoming a surrogate mother and helping someone in need, there are many things you will need to know. It is very important that a woman prepare herself physically as well as mentally for the process and ultimately, the pregnancy. Becoming pregnant will change your body, your emotions and possible even
Reasons For Infertility
Infertility specialists, support groups, fertility organizations and reproductive clinics are working night and day in research and developmental studies. They are working to discover new and safe infertility drugs that may help cure infertility problems for many couples. The problem or the possible cause of infertility can be divided into two areas, female infertility and
A Surrogate shares her story
My First surrogacy journey My IVF success story starts in 2005, when I started researching information about being a surrogate mother. I wanted to be able to stay home with my one year old daughter and still contribute to our family’s income. What better way than to be able to carry someone’s baby for them!
Infertility Options for Intended Parents
Just as there are many reasons parents may choose non-traditional ways to bear a child, there are many infertility options available to help them have the child they want. Those options include adoption, in vitro fertilization (IVF), traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy. The choice among the various infertility options is a very personal one. What’s
Find a Surrogate – Surrogate Alternatives Can Help
[Scan the QR Code to be directed to our website] Established in 1998, Surrogate Alternatives, Inc. (SAI) has been in business longer than any other agency in San Diego, CA. Our history includes over 1,200 clients, 750 births and a dedicated support team to help make the process of third-party reproduction as worry-free as possible.
Selecting a Surrogate Mother
Clients, who initiate contact with an agency to learn more about becoming parents through Surrogacy and/or Egg Donation, are referred to, in our industry, as Intended Parents or (IP’s). A Surrogate is known as a (GS or GC) and an Egg Donor is referred to as an (ED). By using these terms, it keeps things